The Most Memorable Onscreen Kisses

There is so much that goes into making a movie truly amazing, the onscreen chemistry of the actors certainly contributes to this. While this can refer to the relationship between characters in a purely platonic manner, it can also refer to the onscreen hook-ups that have audiences believing in love again.

In honour of the actors and actresses that have gone on to play some of the most iconic couples to date – despite being nothing more than colleagues, we will be looking at some of the onscreen hook-ups that made headlines.

After We Collided

This movie is a classic story of boy meets girls, and despite life doing all it can to drive them apart, it only ushes them closer together. Of course, it also happens to feature an almost love triangle that leads to a rather heated argument. All of the drama builds up to a romantic montage the leads to the scene that made headlines.

The shower scene.

After a failed attempt at a yoga class, our young couple heads home, gets frisky, and somehow ends up in the shower where a never-ending snogfest ensues. Eat your heart out Fifty Shades of Grey, there’s a new kid on the block.

Baby Driver

A movie about bank heists, crazy driving, and good music – what more could you need? It’s as entertaining as gaming offers. Well, a little bit of romance to spice things up of course. While you wouldn’t expect this movie to have a romantic side to it, young Baby meets Debora in the midst of the chaos, and the two fall involve.

As the gang’s getaway driver, Baby spends a lot of time in the car – which is also the place where he and Debora share some of their steamier moments – even when things start going wrong for the pair.

Along Came Love

The dramatic nature of telenovelas tends to be addictive. This movie is a typical Spanish love story featuring a beautiful young woman and a handsome vineyard open. While the entire movie is all about romance, we can’t help but point out how a moment that is not at all romantic suddenly becomes a moment of passion.

Luciana and David end up getting into a heated discussion, and Luciana for whatever reason decides to open the curtains. One thing leads to another, and Luciana and David end up kissing like there’s no tomorrow.

Mr and Mrs Smith

When you think about Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston’s divorce, this movie is bound to come to mind. Brad and Angelina Jolie star as a married couple, both of which are spies but the other doesn’t know. Of course, the truth eventually comes to light, and they end up being tasked with killing one another.

They oblige and set out to do exactly that until they finally realise that through the violence, they are still very much passionate about one another.

Onscreen chemistry is something not all movies are able to achieve, but those that can pull it off truly reap the benefits of their craft.

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